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Surf Coast Trail Marathon

Just goes to show not every day in the office is tough! Providing some inspirational music for the participants in the 2016 Surf Coast Trail Marathon from Torquay to Fairhaven this afternoon. Loving the Mackie portable speaker – the Rocky Theme never sounded so good!

Studio Concert

Musicians spend a lot of time practicing, but need to spend a lot of time performing as well. It is only through performance that you can really understand what has been achieved, look at how far along you have come and gain inspiration for what the next goal should be. Plus, it’s nice to share your […]

Windfire Music Festival

I will be channelling my inner Jan Garbarek to perform alongside the Windfire Chamber Choir and their performance of the Gregorian Mass, Misse de Angelis. The performance of these early chants (sung by the cantor) will be juxtaposed with a modern interpretation of the main themes in a four part version by Claudio Dall’ Albero, sung […]

South Eastern Arts Festival 2016

I am honoured to be adjudicating the instrumental sections of the South Eastern Arts Festival this year. I am always impressed by the talented students from the region and the hard work they have done over the holiday period in preparing their pieces. A great opportunity for performance experience or a chance to workshop pieces. […]

VCE Conference 2016

It’s great to be invited back to the one-stop-conference for everything related to VCE music. I will be presenting a survival guide for instrumental teachers with some of the approaches I have utilised in the last 11 years of teaching VCE music. How do I go about creating technical work? Why improvisation or sightreading? What’s the […]